SOG Fasthawk Review: Last Resort

I get it, you’re 1/16th Cherokee and you’re an operator. You want a tomahawk to slay bodies and look awesome doing it. All joking aside, the tomahawk is a formidable weapon in close quarters. It takes a little more skill than a knife to use, but ,if you can dedicate yourself, it can be effective. In the last couple years the tomahawk has found its way back into the hearts and minds of outdoorsman and warfighters alike. The SOG Fasthawk is a modern twist on Native American brutality.

USE: The SOG Fasthawk is meant to be a weapon, however it is more likely going to see a role as a throwing axe or a conversation starter. I will judge it as a weapon for this review.

DURABILITY AND STEEL: The Fasthawk is a surprisingly sturdy axe. The foot long handle is made of FRN and screws into the axehead. FRN is a very impact resistant synthetic that will outlast traditional wood. The head is a quarter inch thick and 6 inches long.

The steel is 420 high carbon. This is a common steel used in a lot of low end knives. It has decent rust resistance and is easy to sharpen. However, after light use I started to see my edge chip away.


ERGONOMICS AND TEXTURING: This tomahawk feels good in hand and it very easy to wield. Fast is an understatement. You could swing the bejesus out of this thing and not get tired doing it. It makes me wish some British soldiers captured my son and were taking him to be hung.


“Finally a chance to use my tomahawk.”

The traction plan on the Fasthawk is fairly good out of box. There are grooves cut into the handle that grab on to you. Overall, it is a fairly solid design.


SHEATH: The sheath is a cordura and fits snugly over the axehead. It has metal buttons that snap together tightly and wont come undone unless you want them too. It is a simple design that works.


COST: This tomahawk can be yours for anywhere from 23-30 dollars. Considering it is a Chinese made, mediocre material (except for the handle) tomahawk, I would say the price is fair. Other options include the Cold Steel Vietnam Tomahawk, Cold Steel Trench Hawk, and the CRKT Chogan T-Hawk.


FINAL THOUGHTS: The Fasthawk is more of a toy than anything else. I see it as something I bought when I was bored and has 25 dollars laying around. That being said, it can function as a formidable weapon on soft tissue. I can be thrown fairly easily and is light enough to strike quickly and repeatedly. I like it, but you won’t find it in my bug out bag.


OVERALL RATING: 3.5/5 Good Enough For Government Work

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